Return Policy

An item can be returned if the replacement unit is not available, if the customer is facing any issue with the ordered item within the warranty period then they can contact us for a replacement or authorised repairs and if the replacement/repair is not available then can return the product and get a full refund.

All products listed on are eligible for a free replacement or authorised repair within the mentioned warranty period, if you receive a product with any functionality issue.

However, if you receive an incorrect, damaged, or different product or one with missing accessories, please contact us within 24 hours of delivery.

In case of unavailability of the replacement product, the customer is liable for a refund.

Note: We request our customers to not accept tempered / pre-opened packages and always record an unboxing video of the received package as that is required by our shipping partner to investigate the delivery of package with incorrect, damaged, or different product or in case of missing mentioned accessories.

We request our customers to keep all the items that comes with the ordered item like box and all the accessories till the warranty period expires. Please note any physical damage to ordered item from customer’s end will void it’s warranty and replacement policy.

In case the reverse courier pickup is not available due to factors like security, un-serviceability or delays then the customer will have to send the product back to our address (we will refund the courier charges) and then we will proceed with the replacement/repairs and In case a replacement/repairs is not available or cannot be arranged then the customer is eligible for a refund.

Return Policy Abuse

We want all our customers to have a great experience with us at In order for our product warranty to be sustainable and fair for all, we take warranty policy abuse seriously.

“We operate on very thin margins and always try to bring the best deals to our customers and most of our customers are very satisfied with their purchases and a lot of them purchase regularly from our store but there are a few customers who have tried to defraud us by claiming that they didn’t get what they ordered (received a different item) and tried to provide false proofs for the same (found out upon investigation) but we take these kind of issues very seriously as all packages are protected with security seal and gets scanned with X-RAYs at multiple points and we only use trusted courier partners and all our packages are insured for uncertainties.

We request these type of people to not order from our store as we’ll block their account and won’t entertain such fraudulent practices and if required we will even take legal action against them.”

We monitor customers who have placed multiple replacement requests with us. Even the ones who place these requests on multiple accounts. This makes us feel like there are certain customers who are not here to shop but to “borrow” a product just to return it later. We will deny repeat return requests from customers who use such tactics and prohibit them from future purchases.We want you to have a pleasurable shopping experience with us.

While most of our customers use our policies as intended, we would really appreciate it if everyone would kindly respect our policies so that we can continue serving you better.

We don’t want the handful of people who attempt to abuse our policy to ruin the experience for everyone else.

For any further queries on returns, please email us at with your order ID or number.

For warranties and product-related support.

Mail us at: (Response may take up to 48hrs)

Note: We request you to kindly keep the conversation polite and professional.

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